
  • 2005-09 ~ 2009-12    莫纳什大学(澳大利亚)       学士
  • 2010-05 ~ 2015-05    莫纳什大学(澳大利亚)       博士
  • 2015-06 ~ 2016-06    莫纳什大学(澳大利亚)  Research Fellow
  • 2016-07 ~ 2017-02    IMDEA 材料研究所 (西班牙)  Research Associate
  • 2017-03 ~ 2020-12    鲁汶大学 (比利时)  FWO Marie-Curie Fellow
  • 刚强度轻合金集成材料计算设计
  • 金属材料沉淀强化理论
  • H. Liu, Y. M. Zhu, N. C. Wilson, J. F. Nie, On the structure and role of β'F in β1 precipitation in Mg−Nd alloys, Acta Materialia, 133 (2017) 408−426.
  • H. Liu, F.X. Lin, P.Y. Zhao, N. Moelans, Y. Wang, J.F. Nie, Formation and autocatalytic nucleation of co-zone deformation twins in polycrystalline Mg: a phase-field simulation study, Acta Materialia, 153 (2018) 86−107.
  • H. Liu, I.Papadimitriou, F.X.Lin, J.LLorca, Precipitation during high temperature aging of Al−Cu alloys: a multiscale analysis based on first-principles calculations, Acta Materialia, 167 (2019) 121−135.
  • H. Liu, B. Bellon, J. Llorca, Multiscale modelling of the morphology and spatial distribution of θ' precipitates in Al−Cu alloys, Acta Materialia, 132 (2017) 239−247.
  • H. Liu, Y. Gao, J.Z. Liu, Y.M. Zhu, Y. Wang, J.F. Nie, “A simulation study of the shape of β' precipitates in Mg−Y and Mg−Gd alloys”, Acta Materialia, 61 (2013) 453−466.
  • H. Liu, F. X. Lin, P. Liu, Y. Yuan, K. S. Shin, et al. Variant selection of primary–secondary extension twin pairs in magnesium: An analytical calculation study, Acta Materialia, 2021,117221.
  • H. Liu, Y. Gao, Y.M. Zhu, Y. Wang, J.F. Nie, “A simulation study of β1 on dislocations in an Mg−rare earth Alloy”, Acta Materialia, 77 (2014) 133−150.
  • D. Tourret#, H. Liu#, J. Llorca, Phase-field modeling of microstructure evolution: Recent applications, perspectives and challenges, Progress in Materials Science, 2021, in press.
  • H. Liu, Y. Gao, L. Qi, Y. Wang, J.F. Nie, "Phase-field simulation of Orowan strengthening by coherent precipitate plates in an aluminium alloy”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 46(2015): 3287−3301.
  • H. Liu, W. F. Xu, N. C. Wilson, L. M. Peng, J. F. Nie, Formation of and interaction between β'F and β' phases in a Mg−Gd alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 712 (2017) 334−344.