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  • 先进高温合金材料及其精密成形


  • Qingbiao Tan, Guoliang Zhu*, Wenzhe Zhou, Yusheng Tian, Liang Zhang, Anping Dong, Da Shu, Baode Sun. Precipitation, transformation, and coarsening of carbides in a high carbon Ni-based superalloy during selective laser melting and hot isostatic pressing processes. J. Alloys Compd. 2022(913): 165196
  • Wenzhe Zhou, Yusheng Tian, Qingbiao Tan*(通讯作者), Shen Qiao, Hua Luo, Guoliang Zhu, Da Shu*(通讯作者), Baode Sun. Effect of carbon content on the microstructure, tensile properties and cracking susceptibility of IN738 superalloy processed by laser powder bed fusion. Addit. Manuf. 2022(58): 103016
  • Yusheng Tian, Wenzhe Zhou, Mingxu Wu, Hua Luo, Qingbiao Tan*(通讯作者), Guoliang Zhu*(通讯作者), Anping Dong, Da Shu, Baode Sun. Microstructure and mechanical properties of in-situ nitride-reinforced refractory high-entropy alloy TiZrHfNbTa matrix composites. J. Alloys Compd. 2022(915):165324
  • Yusheng Tian, Wenzhe zhou, Qingbiao Tan*(通讯作者), Mingxu Wu, Shen Qiao, Guoliang Zhu*(通讯作者), Anping Dong, Da Shu, Baode Sun. A Review of Refractory High-Entropy Alloys. Tans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China. 2022(32): 3487-3515
  • 改善铸造高温合金流动性的合金成分优化方法及设备,ZL 2022 1 0789684.3