
办公电话:86-21-34202748 13524643737
  • 1986-01 ~ 1990-01    合肥工业大学       本科
  • 1997-01 ~ 2000-01    北京科技大学       硕士
  • 2001-01 ~ 2004-01    清华大学       博士
  • 1990-01 ~ 1997-01    安徽巢湖柴油机厂  工程师
  • 2004-01 ~ 2006-01    上海交大材料学院  博士后
  • 2006-01 ~ 2008-01    上海交大材料学院  讲师
  • 2008-01 ~ 至今    上海交大材料学院  副教授
  • 微电子材料、技术及可靠性
  • 纳米电子材料


  • JinlingBi, Jin Hu, Tinbi Luo, Anmin Hu, Ming Li, and Dali Mao, Intermetallic compound growth between the Sn-Zn-Bi-(Cr) solder and Cu/electroplated Ni substrates, Microele. Relib.(Accept) DOI: 10.1016/j.microrel.2010.09.028
  • Jie Gao, Anmin Hu, Ming Li, Dali Mao,Influence of crystal orientation on copper oxidation failure,Applied Surface Science 255 (2009) 5943-5947
  • Jing Hu, Anmin Hu, Ming Li, Dali Mao,Depressing effect of 0.1 wt.% Cr addition into Sn–9Zn solder alloy on the intermetallic growth with Cu substrate during isothermal aging, Materials Characterization, 61 (2010) 355-361.
  • Tao Hang, Huiqin Ling, Anmin Hu and Ming Li, Growth Mechanism and Field Emission Properties of Nickel Nanocones Array Fabricated by One-Step Electrodeposition, J. Electrochem. Soc., 157 (2010) 624-627.
  • Hangtao Anmin Hu, Ming Li, Dali Mao,Structural Control of Cobalt Nanocones Array Grown by Directional Electrodeposition,CrystEngComm. 12 (2010) 2799–2802
  • Xi, Chen, Anmin Hu, Ming Li, Dali Mao,Oxidation of Lead Frame Copper Alloys with Different Compositions and Its Effect on Oxide Film Adhesion,Journal of Electronic Materials: 38, (2009), 372-378.
  • Xi Chen, Anmin Hu, Ming Li, Dali Mao,Effect of a trace of Cr on intermetallic compound layer for tin/zinc lead-free solder joint during aging, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 470 (2009) 429-43
  • Hu AM, Li M, Mao DL,Preparation and characterization of a titanium-substituted hydroxyapatite photocatalyst,Journal of molecular catalysis a-chemical, 267 (2007)79-85
  • Hu AM, Li M, Mao D.L., Preparation of nanocrystals hydroxyapatite/TiO2 compound by hydrothermal treatment. Applied Catalysis B, Environmental,63 (2006) 41-44
  • Hu AM, Li M, Mao DL, Developed a whisker spodumene glass ceramics, Journal of American Ceramics Society,89 (2006) 358-360