Kolan Madhav Reddy

  • 2003-01 ~ 2007-01    印度尼赫鲁科技大学       本科
  • 2008-01 ~ 2010-01    印度理工学院       硕士
  • 2010-01 ~ 2013-01    日本东北大学       博士
  • 2007-01 ~ 2008-01    印度粉末冶金与新材料国际研究中心(International Advanced Research Center for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials, India)  
  • 2014-01 ~ 2016-01    美国约翰霍普金斯大学 (Johns Hopkins University, USA)  
  • 2017-07 ~ 至今    英国beat365官方网站入口  特别研究员
  • 高性能陶瓷,高分辨率透射电镜表征
  • 多元合金、二维层状纳米材料、催化材料、高性能轻质陶瓷

长期从事电子显微分析方面的工作,在纳米力学、先进烧结技术等方面也具有深入且广泛的经验。参与了多项研究课题。研究成果多次发表在Nature Communications, Science Advances, Physical Review Letters, Angew. Chem, Nanoletters, Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, Materials Research Letters, Physical Review B, Applied Physics Letters等著名期刊上 ,累计发表在60余本国际期刊。


  • Atomic-Level Understanding of Engineering Boundaries in Superhard Ceramics,国家自然科学基金(No. 51850410501),主持;
  •  Novel self-organized superhard carbides for application in cemented carbide composites(SJTU-KTH合作),(No. WF610561702/163),主持;
  • Tuning the magnetic properties of nanocrystalline multi-component alloy thin film coatings through a single step electrodeposition for sensor applications, SPARC (Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration) DST, India with IIT Hyderabad.

  • K. M. Reddy et al, Dislocation-mediated shear amorphization in boron carbide, Science Advances 7, eabc6714 (2021)
  • G. D. Sim, J. A. Krogstad, K. M. Reddy, K. Y. Xie, T. P. Weihs, K. J. Hemker, Nanotwinned Metal MEMS Films with Unprecedented Strength and Stability, Science Advances 3, e1700685 (2017)
  • D. Guo (1), S. Song (1), R. Luo, W. A. Goddard III, M. W. Chen, K. M. Reddy*, Q. An*, Grain boundary sliding and amorphization is responsible for the reverse Hall-Petch relation in superhard nanocrystalline boron carbide, Physical Review Letters 121, 145504 (2018)
  • X. Han et al, Structures and structural evolution of sublayer surfaces of MOF crystals, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59, 21419 (2020)
  • Q. An, K. M. Reddy, J. Qian, K. J. Hemker, M. W. Chen, W. A. Goddard III, Nucleation of amorphous shear bands at nanotwins in boron suboxide (B6O), Nature communications 7, 11001 (2016)
  • F. Zhu(1), S. Song(1), K. M. Reddy(1), A. Hirata, M. W. Chen, Spatial heterogeneity as the structure feature of structure-property relationship of metallic glasses, Nature Communications 9, 3965 (2018) (co-first author)
  • Q. An(1), K. M. Reddy(1), K. Y. Xie, K. Hemker, W. A. Goddard III, New ground state crystal of elemental boron, Physical Review Letters 117, 088501 (2016) (co-first author)
  • K. M. Reddy, P. Liu, A. Hirata, T. Fujita, M.W. Chen, Atomic structure of amorphous shear bands in boron carbide, Nature Communications 4, 2483 (2013)
  • Q. An, K. M. Reddy, H. Dong, M. W. Chen, A.R. Ognav, W. A. Goddard III, Nanotwinned boron suboxide: New ground of B6O, Nano Letters 16, 4236 (2016)
  • K. M. Reddy et al, Enhanced mechanical properties of nanocrystalline boron carbide by nanoporosity and interface phases, Nature Communications 3, 1052 (2012)
  • 英国beat365官方网站入口材料学院“立德树人”教学奖
  • 'National Young Scientist Award (Dr R. L. Thakur Memorial Award)-2017' by Indian Ceramic Society, India
  • People’s Choice Award for Poster Presentation in Mach Conference 2014
  • JCS Scholarship elected from Tohoku University in 2012
  • Best Oral Presentation Award in Mettle 2007