
  • 2004-09 ~ 2008-06    复旦大学     化学系  本科
  • 2008-08 ~ 2013-08    美国匹兹堡大学     化学系  博士
  • 2013-10 ~ 2016-08    英国beat365官方网站入口,英国beat365官方网站入口  助理研究员
  • 2016-09 ~ 2019-07    英国beat365官方网站入口,英国beat365官方网站入口  特别副研究员
  • 2019-08 ~ 至今    英国beat365官方网站入口,英国beat365官方网站入口  特别研究员(副教授)
  • 能源材料、热界面材料以及器件热管理
  • 仿生微纳米器件的组装与功能研究

长期从事纳米材料自组装及聚合物基复合材料光、电、热性能研究。主持承担多项国家及省市自然科学基金项目,留学回国人员科研启动基金等,国家重点研发计划技术负责人。迄今在多本国际著名化学、工程技术类刊物上发表论文,其中作为第一作者或通讯联系人的包括Nature Energy, The Journal of American Chemical Society,Angewandte Chemie International Edition,Nano Letters,Advanced Materials,Small等国际权威期刊,包含2篇ESI高被引论文。并为(Nature Energy, Advanced Materials, Small, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等)高水平期刊做同行评议。截止至今获得国家授权专利13项,撰写两本外文专著《Plasmonic Chiral Materials》与《Bioinspired Engineering of Thermal Materials》多个章节。

  • 指导学生获得2018、2020年度英国beat365官方网站入口优秀硕士学位论文
  • 指导学生获得2017年度英国beat365官方网站入口“源创杯”颠覆性技术创新创意大赛优胜奖
  • 指导学生获得2017年度美国化学会上海分会研究生学术成就大赛墙报奖
  • 指导学生获得2016、2017年度英国beat365官方网站入口优秀本科毕业生
  • 指导本科生获得2016届英国beat365官方网站入口优异学士学位论文
  • 指导学生参加2015年第十四届全国“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛终审决赛获得一等奖
  • 指导学生参加2015年第八届全国节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛获得一等奖
  • 指导学生参加2015年第十四届上海市大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛暨第十四届 “挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛上海市选拔赛获得特等奖
  • 指导学生参加2015年英国beat365官方网站入口第三届“钱学森杯”大学生科技创新竞赛获得特等奖
  • 复旦大学人民奖学金
  • 全国高中生化学竞赛一等奖
  • Luan, Tian; Meng, Fanchen; Tao, Peng; Shang, Wen; Wu, Jianbo; Song, Chengyi* and Deng, Tao*, “Bubble-Enabled Underwater Motion of a Light-Driven Motor”, Small, 2019, 1804959.
  • Chang, Chao; Nie, Xiao; Li, Xiaoxiang; Tao, Peng*; Fu, Benwei; Wang, Zhongyong; Xu, Jiale; Ye, Qinxian; Zhang, Jingyi; Song, Chengyi*; Shang, Wen and Deng, Tao*, “Bioinspired roll-to-roll solar-thermal energy harvesting within form-stable flexible composite phase change materials”, Journal of Material Chemistry A, 2020,8, 20970-20978.
  • Feng, Rui; Wang, Qixiang; Qiao, Yiming; Yang, Runheng; An, Shun; Meng, Fanchen; Yu, Shengtao; Hao, Wei; Fu, Benwei; Tao, Peng; Cui, Kehang; Song, Chengyi*; Shang, Wen* and Deng, Tao*, “Light-Driven Nanodroplet Generation Using Porous Membranes”, Nano Letters, 2020, Just Accept.
  • Tao, Peng#; Ni, George#; Song, Chengyi#; Shang, Wen; Wu, Jianbo; Zhu, Jia*; Chen, Gang* and Deng Tao*, “Solar-driven interfacial evaporation”, Nature energy, 2018, 3, 1031-1041. (Co-first Author)
  • Liu, Yanming; Wang, Xinyu; Qiao, Yiming; Min, Mengdie; Wang, Liren; Shan, Hao; Ma, Yanling; Hao, Wei; Tao, Peng; Shang, Wen; Wu, Jianbo; Song, Chengyi* and Deng, Tao*, “Pyroelectric Synthesis of Metal-BaTiO3 Hybrid Nanoparticles with Enhanced Pyrocatalytic Performance”, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7, 2602-2609.
  • Min, Mengdie; Liu, Yanming; Song, Chengyi*; Zhao, Dengwu; Wang, Xinyu; Qiao, Yiming; Feng, Rui; Hao, Wei; Tao, Peng; Shang, Wen; Wu, Jianbo and Deng, Tao*, “Photothermally Enabled Pyro-Catalysis of a BaTiO3 NanoparticleComposite Membrane at the Liquid/Air Interface”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10, pp21246-21253.
  • Liu, Yanming; Yu, Shengtao; Feng, Rui; Bernard, Antoine; Liu, Yang; Zhang, Yao; Duan, Haoze; Shang, Wen; Tao, Peng; Song, Chengyi* and Deng, Tao*, “Bioinspired, Reusable, Paper-based System for High Performance Large-scale Evaporation”, Advanced Materials,2015, 27, 2768–2774.
  • Song, Chengyi; Wang,Yang and Rosi, Nathaniel L.*, “Peptide-Directed Synthesis and Assembly of Hollow Spherical CoPt Nanoparticle Superstructures”; Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2013, 52(14), 3993–3995.
  • Liu, Yanming; Liu, Yang; Tao, Peng; Shang, Wen; Song, Chengyi* and Deng, Tao*,“Vertical Segregation in the Self-assembly of Nanoparticles at Liquid/Air Interface”;Nanoscale, 2014, 6 (24), 14662 – 14666.
  • Meng, Fanchen; Hao, Wei; Yu, Shengtao; Feng, Rui; Liu, Yanming; Yu, Fan; Tao, Peng; Shang, Wen; Wu, Jianbo; Song, Chengyi* and Deng, Tao*. “Vapor-Enabled Propulsion for Plasmonic Photothermal Motor at the Liquid/Air Interface”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139 (36), pp 12362–12365.
  • Yu, Shengtao; Zhang, Yao; Duan, Haoze; Liu, Yanming; Quan, Xiaojun; Tao, Peng; Shang, Wen; Wu, Jianbo; Song, Chengyi* and Deng, Tao*, “The impact of surface chemistry on the performance of localized solar-driven evaporation system”; Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:13600.
  • Song, Chengyi; Blaber, Martin G.; Zhao, Gongpu; Zhang, Peijun; Fry, H. Christopher ; Schatz, George C. and Rosi, Nathaniel L.*, Tailorable Plasmonic Circular Dichroism Properties of Helical Nanoparticle Superstructures”; Nano Letters, 2013, 13(7), 3256–3261.
  • Song, Chengyi; Zhao, Gongpu; Zhang, Peijun and Rosi, Nathaniel L.*, “Expeditious Synthesis and Assembly of Sub-100 nm Hollow Spherical Gold Nanoparticle Superstructures”; Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132(40), 14033-14035.