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  • 1. 轻质高强铝基复合材料
  • 2. 结构功能一体化铝基复合材料
  • 3. 纳米增强铝基复合材料
  • 4. 纤维增强铝基复合材料
  • 5. 铝基复合材料的激光焊接技术


发表SCI论文百余篇,近五年发表论文43篇,其中包含Compos. B. Eng., Mater. Des., Scr. Mater., Int. J. Plast.等期刊20余篇。制定国家标准5项。研制出米级大型构件及连接件并成功应用于我国航空航天、先进武器、汽车等多个领域,包括五十余个型号的航天器,如载人航天空间站、探月工程“嫦娥”系列等。典型应用如中国空间站天和核心舱,问天、梦天实验舱的太阳电池翼伸展机构;玉兔号、玉兔二号月球车行走机构等等。

  • 英国beat365官方网站入口金属基复合材料国家重点实验室  
  • 中国复合材料学会金属基复合材料专业委员会  
  • 中国空间科学学会空间材料专业委员会  
  • 中国有色金属学会金属基复合材料专业委员会  
  • 中国材料与试验团体标准复合材料领域委员会  
  • 全国工程材料标准化工程组  
  • 上海市新材料协会标准化技术委员会  
  • 中国新材料测试评价联盟复合材料行业  
  • 上海市复合材料学会  
  • 上海市复合材料学会  
  • 2001年度国家某领域科技进步三等奖
  • “非连续增强铝基复合材料的研究与应用”获2003年度上海市科技进步奖一等奖
  • 制定了技术标准五项,其中四项国家标准
  • 2016年上海市复合材料学会“创新成就奖”
  • Xiaoshu Wang, Xiaozhen Wang, Kan Liu, He Cao, Yishi Su, Di Zhang, Qiubao Ouyang*. Effect of the CNTs into SiCp-Al interfacial micro-zones on ageing precipitation behavior, microstructure and mechanical properties of SiCp(CNT)/Al–Zn–Mg–Cu composites. Composites Part B: Engineering, 259(2023), 110708.
  • Kan Liu, Yishi Su, Xiaozhen Wang, Yunpeng Cai, He Cao, Qiubao Ouyang*, Di Zhang. Achieving simultaneous enhancement of strength and ductility in Al matrix composites by employing the synergetic strengthening effect of micro- and nano-SiCps. Composites Part B: Engineering, 248(2023) 110350.
  • Andong Hua, Yishi Su, Yunpeng Cai, He Cao, Kan Liu, Lichaoran Guan, Di Zhang, Qiubao Ouyang*. Balanced strength and ductility in B4C/SiC/2024Al composite with multimodal grain structure achieved by multistep ball milling and powder metallurgy. Materials Characterization, 201(2023) 112896.
  • Yunpeng Cai, Yishi Su, Kan Liu, Andong Hua, Xiaozhen Wang, He Cao, Di Zhang, Qiubao Ouyang*. Effect of Sc microalloying on fabrication, microstructure and mechanical properties of SiCp/Al–Cu–Mg-Sc composites via powder metallurgy. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 877(2023) 145152.
  • Gaoyang Mi, Yi Xiang, Chunming Wang, Lingda Xiong, Qiubao Ouyang. Microstructure and mechanical properties of SiCp/Al composite fabricated by concurrent wire-powder feeding laser deposition. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 22(2023): 66-79.
  • Mingyang Zhang, Chunming Wang, Guang Zeng, Qiubao Ouyang, Gaoyang Mi. L12-(Al,Si)3Ti + TiC hybrids reinforced laser welded SiCp/2A14Al joint with extraordinary strength. Materials Characterization, 205(2023): 113295.
  • Mingyang Zhang, Chunming Wang, Zhijia Hua, Yiyang Hu, Qiubao Ouyang, Gaoyang Mi. Microstructure evolution, interface and mechanical properties of SiCp/2A14 joint during laser keyhole welding. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 26(2023): 5731-5747.
  • Gaoyang Mi, Yiming Jiang, Chunming Wang, Qiubao Ouyang, Qianqian Zhu, Mingyang Zhang. New insight into microstructure and mechanical properties of heterostructures 7075 Al joint prepared via single mode laser welding. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 24(2023): 463-474.
  • Xiaozhen Wang, Kan Liu, Yishi Su, Xiaoshu Wang, He Cao, Andong Hua, Qiubao Ouyang*, Di Zhang. Synergistic enhancing effect of tungsten-copper coated graphite flakes and aluminum nitride nanoparticles on microstructure, mechanical and thermal properties of copper matrix composites. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 857(2022) 143987.
  • Andong Hua, Yishi Su, Yunpeng Cai, Xiaozhen Wang, Kan Liu, He Cao, Di Zhang, Qiubao Ouyang*. Fabrication, microstructure characterization and mechanical properties of B4C microparticles and SiC nanowires hybrid reinforced aluminum matrix composites. Materials Characterization, 193(2022) 112243.
  • Xiaozhen Wang, Yishi Su, Qiubao Ouyang*, Di Zhang. Synergistic effects of tungsten coating on the microstructure, thermophysical and mechanical properties of graphite flakes reinforced copper matrix composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 916(2022) 165318.
  • Xiaozhen Wang, Yishi Su, Xiaoshu Wang, Kan Liu, Lanting Zhang, Qiubao Ouyang*, Di Zhang. Fabrication, mechanical and thermal properties of tungsten-copper coated graphite flakes reinforced copper matrix composites. Materials & Design, 216(2022) 110526.
  • Xiaoshu Wang, Yishi Su, Caihao Qiu, Chengnan Zhu, Xiaozhen Wang, He Cao, Di Zhang, Qiubao Ouyang*. Mechanical behavior and interfacial micro-zones of SiCp(CNT) hybrid reinforced aluminum matrix composites. Materials Characterization, 189 (2022) 111982.
  • Chengnan Zhu, Xiaozhen Wang, Qifeng Cui, Shaojing Gu, Kan Liu, Yunpeng Cai, Yishi Su, Di Zhang, Qiubao Ouyang*. Effect of reinforcement volume fraction and T6 heat treatment on microstructure, thermal and mechanical properties of mesophase pitch-based carbon fiber reinforced aluminum matrix composites. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 834(2022) 142469.
  • Mingyang Zhang, Chunming Wang, Gaoyang Mi, Qiubao Ouyang, In situ study on fracture behaviors of SiC/2A14Al composite joint: Co-construction of microstructure and mechanical properties via laser welding. Composites Part B: Engineering, 238(2022), 109882.
  • He Cao, Yishi Su, Di Zhang, Qiubao Ouyang*. Fabrication, mechanical and thermal behaviors of antiperovskite manganese nitride Mn3.1Zn0.5Sn0.4N reinforced aluminum matrix composites. Composites Part B: Engineering, 223(2021) 109080.
  • Chengnan Zhu, Yishi Su, Xiaoshu Wang, Haicheng Sun, Qiubao Ouyang*, Di Zhang. Process optimization, microstructure characterization and thermal properties of mesophase pitch-based carbon fiber reinforced aluminum matrix composites fabricated by vacuum hot pressing. Composites Part B: Engineering, 215(2021) 108746.
  • Gaoyang Mi, Chang Liu, Chunming Wang, Lingda Xiong, Qiubao Ouyang. The effect of Zr addition on the laser welding of SiCp/2A14Al composite. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 15(2021): 5175-5186.
  • Qi Qiao, Yishi Su, He Cao, Di Zhang, Qiubao Ouyang*. Effect of post-weld heat treatment on double-sided friction stir welded joint of 120 mm ultra-thick SiCp/Al composite plates. Materials Characterization, 169 (2020) 110668.
  • Chengnan Zhu, Yishi Su, Di Zhang, Qiubao Ouyang*. Effect of Al2O3 coating thickness on microstructural characterization and mechanical properties of continuous carbon fiber reinforced aluminum matrix composites, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 793(2020) 139839.
  • He Cao, Yishi Su, Duo Cui, Di Zhang, Qiubao Ouyang*. Microstructural characterization, mechanical properties and thermal expansion of antiperovskite manganese nitride Mn3.1Zn0.5Sn0.4N fabricated by combing vacuum sintering and spark-plasma sintering. Materials Characterization, 160 (2020) 110100.
  • Qi Qiao, Yishi Su, Zhiqiang Li, Qifeng Cui, Hong Yu, Qiubao Ouyang*, Di Zhang. Effect of overlapping region on double-sided friction stir welded joint of 120 mm ultra-thick SiCp/Al composite plates. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 782 (2020) 139238.
  • Qi Qiao, Yishi Su, Qiubao Ouyang*, Di Zhang, Xuecheng Song & Lijie Guo. Microstructural Characterization and Mechanical Properties of 120-mm Ultra-thick SiCp/Al Composite Plates Joined by Double-Sided Friction Stir Welding. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 50 (2019) 3589-3602.
  • 张铭洋,蒋熠鸣,王春明,欧阳求保,米高阳. 后热处理对激光焊接7075铝合金显微组织与力学性能影响. 焊接学报, 43(2022):13-18.
  • 2022年,上海领军人才
  • 2022年,GF科技进步一等奖(第一完成人)
  • 2020年,GF科技进步二等奖(第三完成人)
  • 2003年,上海市科技进步一等奖(第三完成人)
  • 2020年,十大科技进展(英国beat365官方网站入口首届)
  • 2016年,上海市复合材料学会创新成就奖